Tuesday, 10 March 2020

pgtune | installation and usage

 pgtunepgtune helps expands the database server to be as powerful as the hardware it's being deployed on , by taking an existing postgresql.conf file as an input, making changes to it based on the amount of RAM in your server and suggested workload, and output a new file.


# wget https://download-ib01.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/Packages/p/pgtune-0.9.3-12.da57e00.el7.noarch.rpm install    

Here's  a  sample usage :

##Backup the postgresql.conf file
-bash-4.1$ cp postgresql.conf postgresql.conf_backup-march

## execute the pgtune with parameters as below
-bash-4.1$ pgtune -i $PGDATA/postgresql.conf -o $PGDATA/postgresql.conf.pgtune

## validate the difference between the files
-bash-4.1$ sdiff postgresql.conf postgresql.conf.pgtune

pgtune --help  will give you additional usage information. These are the current parameters passed in above example :

  -i  : Specifies the current postgresql.conf file.
  -o  : Specifies the file name for the new postgresql.conf file.

You can see the recommended configurations by specifying the number of connections as follows

-bash-4.1$ pgtune -i $PGDATA/postgresql.conf -c 100

Also, there is an online interface that can be used instead of installing the server tool, so long as you have the hardware specs at hand: http://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/

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