Friday, 11 August 2017

How to generate ADDM task and generate its report for Tuning Purpose

In this post, I will explain How to create ADDM task  and check its report
We are using begin snapshot as 500 And end snapshots as 550

--------At First, we need to Create an ADDM task using the below procedure---------.

DBMS_ADVISOR.create_task (
advisor_name      => ‘ADDM’,
task_name         => ‘500_550_AWR_SNAPSHOT’,
task_desc         => ‘ADDM for snapshots 500 to 550.’);

--------— Now, Set the start and end snapshots as parameters to display. ------------.

DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter (
task_name => ‘500_550_AWR_SNAPSHOT’,
parameter => ‘START_SNAPSHOT’,
value     => 500);
DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter (
task_name => ‘500_550_AWR_SNAPSHOT’,
parameter => ‘END_SNAPSHOT’,
value     => 550);

—------ Now, Execute the task to display the report as parsing the task name. --------.

DBMS_ADVISOR.execute_task(task_name => ‘500_550_AWR_SNAPSHOT’,);

—-------Finally, execute the following proc to display the report on console. -----------.

SET LONG 100000
SELECT DBMS_ADVISOR.get_task_report(‘500_550_AWR_SNAPSHOT’) AS report
FROM   dual;

ADDM Related Views for DBA

DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS – Basic information about existing tasks.
DBA_ADVISOR_LOG – Status information about existing tasks.
DBA_ADVISOR_FINDINGS – Findings identified for an existing task.
DBA_ADVISOR_RECOMMENDATIONS – Recommendations for the problems identified by an existing task.

See Also :   Performace Tuning Scripts

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