This post is about the
backup configuration made in Windows server and what are the backup strategies
mainly used in most of production databases.
Backup strategy followed
in most of production Databases.
1) Weekly RMAN full backup
2) Daily Archive log backup
3) Daily incremental backup
1) Weekly RMAN full backup
2) Daily Archive log backup
3) Daily incremental backup
In windows server
environment, we use “scheduler” (such as cronjob in UNIX) to schedule any job.
The important steps to configure a scheduler are as follows :
Taking Database backup weekly(incremental
level 0):
First create a cmd file (command file ) in windows:
First create a cmd file (command file ) in windows:
Let us create a file name week_backup.cmd using a text file editor(any editor) write the rman script to take the backup.
Assume, I want to take
full backup (i.e, LEVEL 0 Backup)
- Then the script for taking the weekly Level 0 backup would be like
this, (here controlfile autobackup is off(default)).
Step 1.
Step 2.
1. backup_incr_1.cmd
2. backup_incr_1.bat
Now, Configure the scheduler as we did above in Step 3 and simply change the Scheduler option > as ‘daily’ and timings whichever you want.
Allocate channel ch1 type disk format '\path of taking backup_\%d_data_%U';
Backup incremental level=0 database tag=’full_backup';
Release channel ch1;
Allocate channel t1 type disk format '\ backup location \%d_ctrl_%U';
Backup current controlfile;
Release channel t1;
Step 2.
Create the .bat file (Batch file is for batch
job execution by scheduler)
Let us create a batch file week_backup.bat
Let us create a batch file week_backup.bat
The script looks like as below:
rman target sys/db1@db1 cmdfile=\Path of cmd file\week_backup.cmd <-------- you need to mention the file location we created at Step 1 above. log=E:\Path of log file\Full_DB_Backup_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10%.log The file will be created as follows Full_DB_Backup_<Current_Date>.log
This batch file is used executing
this file through schedule.
Step 3.
Here comes the
scheduling part. We have to use scheduler for scheduling job:
Goto- Start Menu>
control panel >scheduler tasks >Add
scheduler task >command prompt >Perform this task > weekly >choose
day and timings when you want to run this job weekly >specify your administrator
username and password >finish
Database backup Daily(incremental LEVEL
For this activity, all
the above steps remains same, but the scripts and scheduler task option changes
1. backup_incr_1.cmd
allocate channel ch1 type disk format '\path of backup location_\%d_data_%U';
backup incremental level=1 database tag=Level_1_Backup';
release channel ch1;
2. backup_incr_1.bat
rman target sys/db1@DBNAME
cmdfile=\Path of cmd file created in Step1 above\ backup_incr_1.cmd
log=E:\Logfile location\Level_1_Backup_%date:~4,2%_%date:~7,2%_%date:~10%.log
Now, Configure the scheduler as we did above in Step 3 and simply change the Scheduler option > as ‘daily’ and timings whichever you want.
For information on UNIX System Commands you can check an article here – UNIX for DBA's
Click here for RMAN
recovery scenarios
Everything comes to us
that belongs to us, if we create the capacity to receive it
-Rabindranath Tagore
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