To delete files older than 60 days
$ find
. -name "*.gz" -depth -mtime +60 -exec rm {} \;
To list files dated May 18
ls -lrt | grep 'May 18' | awk -F' '
To delete files dated May 18
rm -rf `ls -lrt | grep ‘May 18' | awk -F' '
To list files of Month May
$ ls
-lrt | grep 'May' | awk -F' ' '{print$9}'
$ ls
-lrt *.trc|grep 'May'|xargs rm -rf {}\;
Things need to check during - - Server reboot
Suppose you are working on Dataguard setup or
normal Stand-Alone Database,
Following steps mandatory just take backup of
following three steps and store it in separate notepad.
Once the server reboot activity completed..
then cross check once which was taken before server reboot.
$ ps
-ef|grep pmon
$ ps -ef|grep
pmon|wc -l
$ ps
-ef|grep inh (OR) ps -ef|grep tns
$ ps
-ef|grep inh|wc -l
$ ps
-ef |grep d.bin
$ hostname
$ date
$ uname
$ cat
/etc/oratab / cat /var/opt/oracle/oratab
$ uptime
$ who
$ df
-h / df –gt
Guard Database Shutdown Procedure
Login as oracle
source the environment
$ sqlplus
“/ as sysdba”
SQL >alter database recover managed
standby database cancel;
to cancel MRM mode
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> exit
Guard Db Startup Procedure
$ Sqlplus
“/ as sysdba”
SQL> startup nomount;
SQL> alter database mount standby
recover managed standby database disconnect from session;
put it in MRM MODE