Thursday, 30 June 2016

Loss of "Current" Online Redo Log Group

·         Start the instance if necessary.
·         Attempt to alter the database and drop the redo log group. You will receive an ORA-00350 error stating that the redo log group needs to be archived.
·         Shutdown the instance.
·         Review the trace files.
·         Review the alert.log file.
·         Copy the datafiles and redo log files from the backup directory into their respective paths.
·         Mount the instance.
·         Query the v$log view to determine the sequence# of the current log group.
·         Run archive log list.
·         Recover the database until cancel, cancelling the recovery operation one log file sequence# before the current log group.
·         Once recovery is complete open the database with the resetlogs command.
·         Determine if a full off-line backup is required and perform one if necessary.
·         Delete the trace files in the $HOME/trace directory.
·         View the alert.log file for the recovery that was applied.
·         Remove the archive log files from the archive directory.
·         Remove the alert.log and trace files from the trace directory.
·         Ensure the instance is started and the database is open.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Useful simple vi commands for DBA’s

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COMMAND                                                        EFFECT
:.=                                                        find out the current line number
:1                                                         go to line 1
Ctrl-d                                                 page down
Ctrl-u                                                 page up
Shift-g                                               go to end of file
i                                                           insert text at current position
Shift-a                                               append text after end of current line
Shift-I                                                insert text before start of current line
Esc                                                      get out of edit mode, back into normal vi command mode
dd                                                        delete current line
10dd                                                  delete 10 lines from current line on down
d shift-g                                            delete all lines from current line and below
d 1 shift-g                                                            delete all lines from current line and above
.                                                            repeat previous command
shift-y                                               yank (copy) current line
p                                                          paste that copy into line below
/data                                                  search forward for occurencies of string "data"
/                                                           search forward for next occurrence of remembered search string
?                                                           search backward for next occurrence of remembered search string
:set ic                             make searches case insensitive
:1,$s/data/index/g                      replace all occurrencies of "data" with "index"
:1,$s/"//g                                        remove all " characters
:1,$s/$/ ;/                                       append " ;" to the end of every line
:1,$s/^/rem /                                insert "rem " to the start of every line
:w                                                        write (save) file
:q                                                         quit out of vi
:q!                                                        quit out of vi without saving changes
:wq                                                     write (save) file and quit out of vi
shift-z                           shift-z       same as above ":wq" except does not write (change file modification
                                                              times) if you have not made any changes.
:n                                                         next file (when vi'ing a series of files, e.g. with using "vi *" at the
                                                             command prompt)
u                                                          undo last command
shift-j                                                 Join next line onto end of current line

                    VI Quick Reference Guide

BASIC commands

$ vi filename              - normal mode
$ vedit filename       - user friendly edit
$ esc                              - return to command mode


o                  - insert a line after cursor
O                 - insert a line before cursor
i                   - insert text at cursor
a                  - insert text after cursor
I                   - insert text at start of line
A or $a      - insert text at eol

SAVING AND QUITING                      
ZZ               - save and exit                     
:w               - save without exiting              
:w!              - save write protected file         
:q                - quit editor                       
:q!               - quit without saving



dd               - delete current line
x                  - delete char at cursor
X                 - delete char before cursor
dw              - delete word
D or d$     - delete from cursor to eol

CURSOR MOVEMENT                 

h < > l                          
R - replace till eol
r - replace one character
C - change all text after cursor
cw - change a word
c$ - change from cursor to EOL
cG - change from cursor to EOF

MOVING ABOUT                            
f  - page forward                 
 b  - page back
 d  - 1/2 page forward
 u  - 1/2 page back
 w  - next word                       
 b  - previous word     
^B  - Goes one page UP
^  - start of line (shift 6)                                                        
 G  - go to end of file                        
 1G - go to beginning of file                  
 g  - show position in file               
^D  - Goes half page down                  
^U  - Goes half page up 
^F  - Goes one page DOWN                                       
 $  - end of line
 nG - go to nth line

To move n lines of text from A to B

1. move cursor to A
2. ndd - delete n lines
3. move cursor to B
4. P - pull text in after cursor
p - pull text in before cursor
(,(   next, previous sentence
},{   next, previous paragraph
]],[[ next, previous section
%    goto matching parenthesis () {} []

 yw - yank word
 y$ - yank from cursor to EOL
 yG - yank from cursor to EOF
 yy - yank complete current line
 p  - paste from buffer after cursor
 P  - paste from buffer before cursor
                               USEFUL COMMANDS
                         . - repeat last command
                         u - undo last command
                         U - undo changes made to current line
                         J - join the next line to the current line
                        ^G - Show the current filename and status
                         ! - Ejecuta uan linea del shell
           :1,$s/old/new/g - global search and replace old with new *
           :.,$d           - delete from current line to eof
           :r filename     - read filename into this vi buffer
           :n,mw filename  - write lines n through m to filename

/abc - search for string "abc"
N - find previous occurrence
n - find next occurrence 

To copy n lines of text from A to B

1. move cursor to A
2. nyy - yank n lines
3. move cursor to B
4. P - pull text in after cursor                                            
    p - pull text in before cursor