Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Topic need to get clear to become expert in Oracle DBA

Oracle Architecture.😍

Structures for connecting a user to an oracleInstance, Common database administrative tools for DBA,
Features of the oracle universal Installer, Optimal flexiblearchitecture, Setting of Password file authentication, maincomponents of oracle enterprise manager and their uses.

Create  Database

·         Prerequisite for database creation.
·         Creating a database manually.
·         Using the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).
·         Using the DBCA to Create a Database.
·         Performing Other Actions with the DBCA.
·         Using the DBCA to Manage Templates.

Managing the Oracle Instance😊
·         Oracle Instance Management.
·         Oracle Processes.
·         Oracle Memory Structures.
·         Starting the Instance and Opening the Database.
·         Shutting Down an Oracle Database Instance.
·         Viewing and Modifying Initialization Parameters.
·         Managing Memory Components.
·         Viewing the Alert Log.

Managing Database Storage 😻Structures
·         Oracle Database Structures.
·         Exploring the Storage Structure of the Oracle Database.
·         Multiplexing the Redo Log.
·         Enlarging the Database.
·         Creating, Modifying, and Dropping Tablespaces.
·         Reclaiming Space in Your Tablespace.
·         Managing Undo Data.
·         Using the Undo Advisor to Compute the Minimum Undo Tablespace Size.
·         Implement oracle managed files tablespaces.

Maintaining Control file😍

·         Use of control file, Control file, Multiplex and manage thecontrol file, manage control file with oracle managed files.

Maintaining redo log files

😺·         Purpose & structure of online redo log files, Controllock switches and check points, Multiplex and maintainonline redo log files, Manage online redo log files withOMF.

Data dictionary content and usage

·         Data dictionary components, contents and uses of datadictionary, query the data dictionary.

Managing users, privileges and roles

·         Overview of Users and Security
·         Oracle-Defined Users
·         Creating, Modifying, and Dropping Users
·         Locking and Unlocking Accounts
·         Unlocking a User Account and Resetting the Password
·         Setting the Password Policy
·         Modifying the Default Password Policy
·         Administering Privileges and Roles.
·         Identify system and object privileges, grant and revoke privileges.
·         Create and modify roles, Control availability of roles, remove roles, user predefined roles.
·         Display role information from the data dictionary.
·         Identify auditing capabilities.
·         Managing password security, resources and data integrity, manage passwords using profiles, administrator profiles, and controluse of resources using profile.

Storage structure and relationships

·         Logical structure of segments, segment types and uses,keywords that control block spaces usage, get informationabout storage structures from the data dictionary.

Managing Schema Objects
·         Creating, Modifying, and Dropping Tables
·         Understanding Data Integrity and Defining Constraints
·         Viewing the Contents of a Table
·         Creating and Dropping Indexes
·         Managing Views
·         Managing Program Code Stored in the Database
·         Managing Access to Schema Objects
·         Loading Data thru SQL Loader ,exp/imp ,datapump  etc.
Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
·         Tools for Configuring and Managing the Oracle Network
·         Accessing the Enterprise Manager Net Services Administration Page
·         Managing the Oracle Net Listener with Enterprise Manager
·         Using the Listener Control Utility
·         Connecting to an Oracle Database
·         Oracle Net: Naming Methods
·         Using Enterprise Manager to Configure Local Naming
·         Using Oracle Net Manager to Configure Local Naming

Managing Oracle Database Software
·         Understanding Software Management and Patch Releases
·         Patching Oracle Database Software
·         Using the Database Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Database

Performing Backup and Recovery
·         Backup, Restore, and Recovery Concepts
·         Basics of database backup, restore and recovery,
·         Types of failure in an oracle environment, backupand recovery strategy.
·         Instance and media recovery structures.
·         Oracle processes, memory structures and files related torecovery, importance of check points, redo log files andarchived log files, instance recovery.
·         Configuring the database archiving mode.
·         Difference between archive log and no archive logmodes; configure a database for archive log mode,automatic archiving, and multiple archiving processes.

·         Using the Oracle-Suggested Backup Strategy
·         RMAN features, components, configuringRMAN.

·         User managed backups and RMAN backups.

·         User managed backups and recovery operations,backup issues with read table spaces, performclosed and open database backups, backup thecontrol file, cleanup after a failed online backup, DBverify utility to detect corruption, types of RMANspecific backups backing up with RMAN, copycommand to create image copies.

·         User managed complete recovery and RMAN completerecovery.

·         Recovery in non-archive log mode andcomplete recovery in archive log mode using usermanaged and RMAN, restore data files to differentlocations, relocate and recover a table space by usingarchived redo log files.

·         User managed incomplete recovery and RMANincomplete recovery. Necessity of incompleterecovery, Methods for incomplete recovery,incomplete recovery with user managed backups,incomplete recovery using RMAN and usingenterprise manager, recovery of the control file,recovery through reset logs.

·         RMAN maintenance and recovery catalog creation andmaintenance. Cross checking of backups, updating therepository, changing the status of backup and copies, catalogbackups made with operating system commands, contents ofrecovery catalog, creating the recovery catalog andmaintaining it by using RMAN commands, using RMAN toregister, resynchronize and reset a database, queryingrecovery catalog to generate reports and lists, create, storeand run scripts.

·         Performing Backup Maintenance Tasks
·         Flashback Technologies
·         Performing Flashback Table and Flashback Drop
·         Performing User-Managed Backup and Recovery
Clone Database.

Introduction to Oracle Data Guard

·         Causes of Data Loss
·         Oracle Data Guard Architecture
·         Types of Standby Databases (benefits of each type)
·         Differentiating Between Standby Databases and Data Guard Broker Configuration
·         Data Protection Modes
·         Performing Role Transitions

Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using SQL and RMAN Commands

·         Preparing the Primary Database
·         Creating the Physical Standby Database

Creating and Managing a Snapshot Standby Database

·         Snapshot Standby Database: Architecture
·         Converting a Physical Standby Database to a Snapshot Standby Database
·         Activating a Snapshot Standby Database: Issues and Cautions
·         Viewing Snapshot Standby Database Information
·         Converting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database

Using Oracle Active Data Guard

·         Using Real-Time Query
·         Enabling and Disabling Real-Time Query
·         Enabling Block Change Tracking on a Physical Standby Database
·         Creating Fast Incremental Backups
·         Monitoring Block Change Tracking

Configuring Data Protection Modes

·         Preparing to Create a Logical Standby Database
·         Checking for Unsupported Objects , Data Types, and Tables
·         Ensuring Unique Row Identifiers
·         Creating the Logical Standby Using SQL Commands and Grid Control
·         Securing your Logical Standby Database



Performing Role Transitions

·         Contrast switchover vs. failover
·         Preparing for a Switchover
·         Performing a Switchover using DGMGRL and Enterprise Manager
·         Types of Failovers
·         Re-enabling Disabled Databases

Using Flashback Database in a Data Guard Configuration

·         Overview of Flashback Database
·         Configuring Flashback Database
·         Using Flashback Database Instead of Apply Delay
·         Using Flashback Database and Real Time Apply
·         Flashback Through Standby Database Role Transitions
·         Using Flashback Database After Failover

Enabling Fast-Start Failover

·         Installing the Observer Software
·         Configuring Fast-Start Failover
·         Configuring Automatic Reinstatement of the Primary Database
·         Initiating Fast-Start Failover from an Application
·         Disabling Fast-Start Failover
·         Starting and Stopping the Observer
·         Moving the Observer to a new Host


Performing Backup and Recovery Considerations in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration

·         Backup and Recovery of a Logical Standby Database
·         Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog in a Data Guard Configuration
·         Creating the Recovery Catalog
·         Registering a Database in the Recovery Catalog
·         Configuring Daily Incremental Backups
·         Using a Backup to Recover a Data File on the Primary Database
·         Recovering a Data File on the Standby Database

Patching and Upgrading Databases in a Data Guard Configuration


Monitoring the Database and Using the Advisors
·         Monitoring General Database State, Workload, and Performance
·         Setting Metric Thresholds
·         Setting Up Direct Alert Notification
·         Diagnosing Performance Problems
·         Viewing ADDM Performance Analysis and Responding to Findings
·         Using the SQL Tuning and SQL Access Advisors
·         Configuring the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor
·         Viewing Automatic SQL Tuning Results



List of Practical:
1) Demonstration of Installation of Oracle database software
2) Create a database with database configuration assistant.
3) Starting up and shutting down database with SQL and Plus and with database control
and viewing parameters with database control.
4) Use enterprise manager to create after and drop a table space.
5) Use enterprise manager to grant system and manage database user.
6) Use enterprise manager to grant system and object privileges.
7) Use enterprise manager to create and manage roles and profiles.
8) Create database objects and constraints using enterprise manager.
9) Create and Us password profiles
10) Create a listener with database control, oracle net service alias and configure
dynamic service registration.
11) Configure and verify shared server and configure a client to choose the connection type.
12) Create and undo table space with database control and monitor undo with SQL plus.
13) Detect and resolve log connection.
14) Instance recovery and MTTR to demonstrate the effect of check pointing on MTTR.
15) Multiplex the redo log and translation the database to archive log mode.
16) Run a whole database backup and back up the control file to trace with SQL plus and
manage RMAN backups.
17) Recovery the data from loss of control file and multiplex online redo log file. Recovery
alost of multiplexed online log file and recovery the data from loss of non critical data
18) Set a listener password with isnrctl and creating a listener for external procedural calls.
19) Configure RMAN.
20) Create backup sets using RMAN and managing backups.
21) Set, view and clean alerts using DBMS_SERVER_ALERT_AMI and database.
22) Perform an incomplete recovery with RMAN, and carrying out control file auto backup
and restore.
23) Use the SQL tuning adviser for database management.