Tuesday, 13 October 2015

What can I learn right now in one minute that will be useful for the rest of my life?

For windows user only-

Use Window Button + Down Key to minimize the currently active window
Use Window Button + Up Key to maximize the currently active window
Use Window Button + Left Key to align the currently active window on the left and Right key to align on the right
Use Window Button + M to minimize all open windows.
'Windows key + D' to return directly to the desktop, minimizing all the open windows.(Credit Abhishek Naik)
Use CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open task manager
Use Window key + L to lock the system.
Use Window key + # to open the application pinned on the taskbar, where # is the position of the icon Starting from 1.
Use Shift + Right click and then select open command prompt here to open the command prompt with the current directory set
Use Shift + Right click on any item to see extra options.

Download Video Without Signups

Some sites don't allow to download their video content without signing in or do not have facility to download at all.

So without using any extension or downloader, here is how to do this..

Goto that page.
Press ctrl+shift+i or right click and select Inspect Element.
Select the Network tab and refresh the page & play the video to get content status.
You can sort the content by TYPE (tab), to easily get the video link at the bottom under the NAME(tab).
Double click the video link. Voila, your download will start.
Works fine with many sites. Enjoy :)

Edit #1: For those who don't know, to download YouTube videos just add "ss" before 'y' in www.youtube.com.
Example: To download www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONi**mhDvRo
do, www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=ONi**mhDvRo and go..

Edit #2:
"ssyoutube" redirects you to a third party website "savefromnet" that might serve malware/virus (very rare cases).  I have used this method and have not experienced any trouble so far. Take precautions!

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