Sunday 17 October 2021

ASM Diskspace utilization categorized by Database/File names


Below script helps to identify the space utilization of Databases including the files such as Datafiles, Redologfiles, Archivelog files on ASM diskgroup categorized by Database names and their files.

This helps in periodic capacity planning.


set pagesize 9999 set linesize 230 col Database form a20 HEADING 'Database Name' col type form a20 HEADING 'File type' column Allocated_GB FORMAT 999,999.99 HEADING 'Allocated (GB)' column size_gb FORMAT 999,999.99 HEADING 'Size (GB)' break on report on Database skip 1 compute sum label "" of size_gb allocated_GB on Database compute sum label "Grand Total: " of size_gb allocated_GB on report SELECT SUBSTR(alias_path,2,INSTR(alias_path,'/',1,2)-2) Database, type ,ROUND(SUM(bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) size_GB ,ROUND(SUM(alloc_bytes)/1024/1024/1024,2) Allocated_GB FROM (SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(alias_name, '/') alias_path ,alloc_bytes ,bytes ,type FROM (SELECT disk_group_name , a.parent_index pindex , alias_name , a.reference_index rindex , alloc_bytes , f.bytes , f.type type FROM v$asm_file f RIGHT OUTER JOIN v$asm_alias a USING (group_number, file_number) JOIN v$asm_diskgroup g USING (group_number) ) WHERE type IS NOT NULL and type like '%&FILETYPE%' START WITH (MOD(pindex, POWER(2, 24))) = 0 CONNECT BY PRIOR rindex = pindex ) GROUP BY SUBSTR(alias_path,2,INSTR(alias_path,'/',1,2)-2), type ORDER BY 1 /

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