Monday 29 January 2024

Discover Oracle Key Vault: Enhancing Data Security

 Oracle Key Vault (OKV) is your secure hub for encryption keys, Oracle Wallets, Java KeyStores, SSH Key pairs, and other sensitive data. It operates seamlessly in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Azure, AWS, or on-premises, offering scalability and fault tolerance.

Secure SSH Authentication

In OKV release 21.7, administrators can centrally manage SSH public and private keys from the Key Vault console. This simplifies secure server access with nonextractable private keys.

Key Features and Use Cases

  • Long-term Data Backup: Securely store and retrieve credential files and critical data for extended periods.

  • Long-term Data Backup: Securely store and retrieve credential files and critical data for extended periods.

  • Centralized TDE Key Management: Manage Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) master keys across networks efficiently.

  • Comprehensive Data Management: Store and manage Oracle Wallets, certificates, Java KeyStores, and more with built-in tracking and backup features.

  • RESTful Interface: Use a simple RESTful interface for seamless key management operations.

How It Works

OKV comes pre-configured as a software appliance, including an operating system, database, and the OKV application, ready for deployment.

Security Features: mTLS and KMIP
OKV ensures secure communication with mutually authenticated Transport Layer Security (mTLS) and follows the OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP).

High Availability and Resilience
The multi-master cluster configuration supports up to 16 nodes, ensuring high availability with bi-directional synchronous replication for data integrity and disaster recovery.

Discover Oracle Key Vault's robust security and management capabilities to streamline your key operations and protect critical assets.

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