Sunday, 31 March 2024

Exploring Session-Specific Optimizer Environments in Oracle

  Hey everyone! As a database administrator, I'm always diving deep into the nooks and crannies of Oracle databases to optimize performance. Last week, I encountered a scenario where I needed to check the optimizer parameters for a specific session, rather than for the entire database.

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Streamlining DataPump Operations in Windows: Bypassing ORACLE_PDB_SID with Secure Wallets

Running DataPump directly from a PDB as SYSDBA is a common task in Oracle multitenant architecture. However, there's a catch: the handy ORACLE_PDB_SID environment variable, introduced in Oracle 18c to ease direct access to specific PDBs, only works on Linux/Unix environments. So, what do you do if you’re stuck on a Windows machine?

Sunday, 17 March 2024

Memory Matters: Optimizing Performance in PostgreSQL

When it comes to PostgreSQL, memory usage boils down to two main tasks, each managed by its own set of parameters:

Simplifying Oracle Cursors & Navigating Cursor Types

 As a database administrator, understanding the ins and outs of Oracle cursors is crucial. Let's dive into the world of SQL cursors and explore how they function, while keeping things engaging and informative.

Sunday, 10 March 2024

Resolving ORA-10635: Invalid Segment or Tablespace Type

 Encountering the ORA-10635 error while trying to shrink a compressed table? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! Here’s an easy guide to solve this issue.