Sunday 21 April 2024

Let's Trace! Dive into SQL Tracing

 Let’s get into the world of tracing, Find ways to uncover mysteries and optimizing performance along the way using sessions and tracings.

Step 1: Setting the Scene
let’s activate SQL tracing on our current session. But before this, we must ensure our filesystem have enough space to capture all the action.

-- Set maximum trace file size
ALTER SESSION SET max_dump_file_size='4000m';

-- Set a cool prefix for the trace file
ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier ='perf_test';

Step 2: Proceed with tracing 
We have various levels of tracing to choose from, each revealing different insights into our SQL queries.
  • Basic SQL Trace: Just the essentials.
  • Basic SQL Trace + Bind Variables: Peek into the bound parameters.
  • Basic SQL Trace + Wait Events: Discover what your queries are waiting for.
  • Basic SQL Trace + Bind Variables + Wait Events: The ultimate tracing experience!

-- Activate basic SQL trace
ALTER SESSION SET events '10046 trace name context forever, level 1';

-- Ready for more? Activate higher levels of tracing using below options

-- activate basic sql_trace + bind variables
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 4';

-- activate basic sql_trace + wait events
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';

-- activate basic sql_trace + bind variables + wait events
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';

Leveling Up with Logon Triggers
If you want to automatically trace a specific user upon login, it’s as easy and here is a sample trigger to achieve this.

-- Activate SQL tracing on user by logon trigger
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER active_sql_trace_on_user
AFTER logon ON database
    v_user dba_users.username%TYPE := user;
    sql_stmt1 VARCHAR2(256) := 'ALTER SESSION SET events '||CHR(39)||'10046 trace name context forever, level 12'||CHR(39);
    IF (v_user = 'SCOTT') THEN
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt1;
    END IF;

While armed with these tracing techniques, you’re ready to optimize your queries and conquer performance bottlenecks like a true SQL sorcerer. 

Happy tracing !

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