Sunday 26 May 2024

Enhancing Oracle SGA Security: A Guide for DBAs

Managing SGA Access via OS User group

In Oracle databases, securing the System Global Area (SGA) has become more robust, especially with recent updates after version 12. By default, only the Oracle software installation owner can read and write to the SGA. This enhancement significantly boosts security compared to previous configurations. Let's dive into the key changes and why they matter.

The old vs. the new

Previously, both the Oracle installation owner and members of the OSDBA group had access to shared memory. This meant that any DBA within the OSDBA group could interact with the SGA, posing potential security risks. With Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) and later, Oracle has tightened this access, restricting it to the installation owner by default. This change significantly enhances security but introduces a minor inconvenience for DBAs who don't have installation owner access.
The Key Parameter:

Oracle introduced the ALLOW_GROUP_ACCESS_TO_SGA parameter to manage who can access the SGA. By default, this parameter is set to FALSE in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) and onwards. This setting ensures that only the Oracle installation owner has read and write permissions to the SGA, enhancing security across Linux and UNIX platforms.

Why the Change Matters

Restricting SGA access to the Oracle installation owner mitigates risks associated with unauthorized users gaining access to the SGA. Without this restriction, a malicious actor added to the DBA group could potentially exploit SGA access to execute unauthorized queries, leading to data breaches or system compromises. By keeping the ALLOW_GROUP_ACCESS_TO_SGA parameter set to FALSE, you significantly reduce this risk.

Adjusting the parameter for DBA access

If certain members of the OSDBA group require read access to the SGA, you can adjust the ALLOW_GROUP_ACCESS_TO_SGA parameter to TRUE. However, Oracle strongly advises maintaining the default setting to limit access strictly to the Oracle user account. This recommendation is based on best practices for maintaining a secure database environment.


Oracle's move to restrict SGA access to the installation owner by default in newer releases underscores its commitment to security. While it may require some adjustments for DBAs used to broader access, the trade-off in enhanced security is well worth it. Always consider the security implications before modifying the ALLOW_GROUP_ACCESS_TO_SGA parameter, and aim to follow Oracle's best practices for a secure database setup. This restriction helps prevent unauthorized users, potentially hackers who have been added to the DBA group, from accessing the SGA and running queries without detection.

For more detailed information, check out the Official Documentation Official Documentation.

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