Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Tickiting Tool for DBA's

Defination of Ticketing Tool  : 
It is a software which provides solutions for the tickets

Ø    Ticket means a problem.There are many ticketing tools are available.

Ø  for example  BMC Remedy.


Ticket No:

Summary :

Status      :

Start Time :

End Time   :

Reporting Person :
Email ID , Phone , Number will be there in this If Instructions are big attachments will be there

Q)   What is REMEDY Ticketing tool, how it works?

A)  REMEDY is a customer relationship tool which can be used to  log / monitor the issues or problems faced by customers by the means of incident management tickets. Each ticket is  like an incident (problem) which is created by help desk and  assigned to relevant support team.

Concerned support team member take the ownership of the  ticket and updates the work log (troubleshooting steps performed during the course of action)

Also , it can be used to monitor Service Requests / change  management ( Change Requests) and problem management.

About Wok Log  :  Maximo Work Log will be there.

----> Data Base team , Unix team , Application team , Middle ware team

-----> Different teams will be involved in project will give their working status in this work log


SERV 1   :  Need to resolve tickets in 0-4 hours

SERV 2   :  Need to resolve tickets in 0-8 hours

SERV 3   : Need to resolve tickets in 3 working days.

Production Support  : Should be on call support.

Situation Manager    : Makes every one to attend on call.

Q)  When you are On Call Support when you get Severity 1 ticket ? 
How do you take action ?

A)  ----->  Firstly open the ticket

     ------> Read the message what the problem is about

     -----> Login to targeted Servers.

    ----->  Check Logs depending on Error.

   ------>  Propogate first hand information to STAKE HOLDER (DUTY MANAGER)

   ------> Sit on Issue , fix it , Close it

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Nikhil,
    which type of tickets belongs to severity 1?
    could you give some examples on severity 1

    1. Hi Damodhar,
      Sev1 tickets are mostly 99% related to production issues.

    2. Hi Damodhar,
      Sev1 tickets are mostly 99% related to production issues.

  3. Call management ticketing tool you r any use it how to configure the database and how to work please explained once
