The following article describes the steps to create the wallet and perform a tablepsace encryption.
Sharing knowledge is the ultimate key to gaining knowledge..
The only two things that stay with you for life
are you & your knowledge !
Live while you can!
Teach & inspire while you could &
Smile while you have the teeth.. 😉
The following article describes the steps to create the wallet and perform a tablepsace encryption.
The article covers common & complex error occurs during the Datapump Export and Import operations
Recently a server running both Oracle databases with version had to be forced powered cycled due to a NFS issue. Since it wasn’t possible to login to the O/S to shutdown the DBs an instance recovery was required on both the 11.2 databases.
Application job are running slow and DBA finds out the wait event as "Resmgr:Cpu Quantum" for multiple sessions running in database.
Below script helps to identify the space utilization of Databases including the files such as Datafiles, Redologfiles, Archivelog files on ASM diskgroup categorized by Database names and their files.
Application complains about the error ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found while connection to the database.
the database using RMAN backup.
After completion of cloning to the staging environment, OPEN RESETLOGS fails with error as below.
ORA-00392: log 1 of thread 1 is being cleared, operation not allowed
Application jobs fails with messages as below.
Job failed
ORA-01630: max # extents (4096) reached in temp segment in tablespace USERS
Below document explains the issue faced after the upgrade, troubleshooting and need for timezone files.
At the point when you take a gander at PostgreSQL versus Prophet data set administration frameworks, the primary distinction between these two information bases is that PostgreSQL is an open-source data set, while Oracle is a shut data set framework.
We recently performed the cloning of the staging Database from a production database, but unfortunately we faced an issue.
Once the restore is complete, we were not able to stop the database to rename it and perform the post checks.
Many times when we kill a session with alter system kill session command ( or Toad )
PostgreSQL has native support for using SSL connections to encrypt client/server communications for increased security.
Official documentation :
Lets assume that we have an update, insert or delete statement that running but has not been committed yet. So question is how to show uncommitted transactions ?
While troubleshooting sqlnet issue a week back and we used very same article to read trace files. It was very useful.
Found an interesting event, that helps to open the database with delay option. The event db_open_begin delay (opening database with delay) is undocumented event ( read unsupported )
The DBA can grant you SELECT privileges to the V$ performance views. It's good for instance tuning, but not as effective as SQL Trace or ADVISOR privilege for query tuning.
To successfully run an ALTER SYSTEM command, you don't need to be the DBA, but you do need the ALTER SYSTEM privilege to be granted to you (or to the "user" owning the application through which you connect to the database - which may be different from "you" as the "user" ).